I was the Education Coordinator of my BNI Chapter during the last term.
Here are some of the ideas I collated on possible BNI Education Slot Topics during a chapter meeting.
Please note: this is a personal recommendation and is not an official list or recommendations from BNI although you may find some of these recommendations in the official BNI sites.
Before using them, I recommend you discuss them with your Chapter Leadership Team and, if required, with the Chapter Director so that they align with the chapter goals.
1.   Various BNI Terminologies
2.   Benefits of Attending a Power Team Meeting
3.   Strategies to Spot Referrals for our Referral Partners
4.   Benefits of Attending various BNI Training
5.   Building Credibility in Your Network
6.   Refer the Right Way (How should one introduce your referral partners?)
7.   Socials & Networking
8.   How Chapter Socials can be a ground for referrals
9.   Ice Breaking Conversation Ideas
10.  Tips for Generating Quality Referrals
11.  Member Traffic Lights - Mistakes to Avoid
12.  Relationship Referrals vs Transaction Referrals
13.  Creating Abundance with Relationship Referrals
14.  Value-Based Follow Ups (of referrals)
15.  Tips for using BNI Connect efficiently
16.  BNI Connect can be your CRM
17.  Tips for building relationships with global BNI members using BNI Connect
18.  BNI Business Builder – Make the best use of it
19.  How to craft an Effective Weekly Presentation
20.  Set yourself up for Receiving Referrals (The idea is to talk about the importance of doing BNI processes right so that you can receive referrals)
21.  How to Identify and Teach your Partners your Ideal Customers
22.  Making One-on-Ones Impactful
23.  How your Goals and Interests in your Dance Card can potentially generate referrals
24.  Tips for Building RelationshipsÂ
25.  How can you make an Introvert comfortable during Networking?
26.  Importance of Specific ASKs in BNI
To make my life as an Education Coordinator easier, I prepared a 26-week calendar, identified the topics, and had a chapter member identified for the topics.
However, depending on the chapter's goals, appropriate changes were made at the beginning of the month.
 Identifying a back-up presenter is also a good idea.
Hope you find this list useful. Please let me know your feedback.
My name is Johncey George. I am an International Coaching Federation Accredited Leadership and Life Coach. (ICF PCC)
I am a leading Leadership Coach for Introverts.
I run a flagship program Introvert Communication Mastery, helping Introverts Speak Up and become Confident Communicators in 60 Days. Visit https://www.coachjohncey.com/cm for more details
I am a member of BNI Legends, Bangalore East Region since April 2019.

I am a Director Consultant in the Bangalore Region and a Gold Club Member.
You can learn more about BNI here: https://www.bni.com/Â . But the best way to experience BNI is by visiting a BNI chapter through someone who you know.
Please feel free to reach out to me for more information.
My contact details: johncey@coachjohncey.com. My website is https://www.coachjohncey.comÂ